Myopia Control

Myopia in children is a common vision problem. It's estimated that 1 in 4 school-aged children have myopia or nearsightedness. Myopia usually develops in childhood and worsens during the teenage years. If your child has this eye problem, it's crucial to learn to control it to make sure it doesn't worsen and lead to vision problems later in life.

Does your child have myopia? Visit Monroe Family Eyecare to learn how our eye doctors can help control it. Comprehensive eye exams by our optometrists can help us detect myopia early and employ preventative care methods to prevent its progression.

Myopia Control

What Does Myopia Control Mean?

Myopia, like many other eye conditions, worsens as time passes. However, there are treatment methods available that can help keep myopia from getting worse. This is called myopia control. It's recommended to get eye care as soon as you notice signs of nearsightedness in your child.

An early comprehensive eye exam is essential for detecting myopia. The sooner we catch it, the better we can control its progression. Our optometrists will determine if your child has myopia and design a customized treatment plan to prevent its progression.

How We Control Myopia Progression

There are many ways to control myopia progression. Some of the most common methods our optometrists may recommend include:

  1. Atropine eye drops: These help to temporarily paralyze the focusing muscles in the eye, which can give the eye a much-needed break.
  2. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K): These are special contact lenses that are worn overnight. The contact lenses gently reshape the cornea while you sleep, temporarily correcting your vision.
  3. Glasses: Glasses can also help control myopia progression by reducing the strain on the eye muscles. They can help your child see more clearly and reduce the amount of work the eye muscles have to do.

Stop Myopia Progression in Its Tracks

If you're concerned about your child's myopia, don't wait to visit an eye care professional for the proper control methods. Myopia control has several advantages. It helps children do better in school as they can see the blackboard and other things in the classroom more clearly. It also decreases the risk of developing more serious eye conditions later in life. Myopia control can improve your child's general quality of life.

Contact Monroe Family Eyecare in Monroe, NY

Children with myopia need special care to prevent its progression. At Monroe Family Eyecare , we understand this and are here to help every step of the way. Our experienced eye doctors can provide thorough eye exams to detect myopia early and create an individualized treatment plan to prevent it from becoming worse. Call our team today at (845) 783-1224 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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