
Seeking Eye Care for Cataracts

Cataracts are a common condition that we treat at Monroe Family Eyecare. In fact, as much a 70 percent of the American population will develop cataracts by age 75. This is because as the human body ages, the lenses over their eyes tend to thicken and become cloudier. When this is allowed to continue, colors may become duller and it may become more difficult to read things at a distance even if you otherwise have outstanding vision. 


But while cataracts can be a natural result of the aging process, the good news is that there are things you can do to reduce your risk for cataracts and there is a specialized surgery your eye doctor can perform to correct existing cataracts. The following is a look at three important facts everyone should know about cataracts.

What to Know About Cataracts

Age may be the most common risk factor for cataracts, but it's not the only risk factor. Many of our clients have developed cataracts due to the natural aging process, there are other common risk factors to consider. Diabetes, obesity, smoking, extensive exposure to UV rays, high blood pressure, eye surgeries, and long-term use of certain medications can all contribute to the development of cataracts.

While you can't stop cataracts once they begin developing, you can reduce your risk for them developing. As you see above, many common risk factors for cataracts are related to a person’s lifestyle. You can take certain steps to help increase your odds of avoiding cataracts. For example, always wear UV-protected sunglasses while outside and make healthy lifestyle choices like eating well and not smoking. There are also some exciting studies that seem to suggest eating vitamin-C rich foods will delay whether and how fast cataracts form. Talk to your eye doctor if you're curious about other risk factors and how you can reduce your own risk of developing cataracts.

Cataract surgery can significantly enhance your vision. If you already have cataracts, then consider applying for cataract surgery. During this procedure, an artificial lens will be implanted to replace your natural clouded lens. This specialty lens will thereby allow you to enjoy your vision as it was before your cataracts started to develop. That means better color variety, better day and night vision, and reduced sensitivity to bright lights, among other things.

Talk to Your Monroe Eye Doctor to Learn More

At office, we think everyone deserves to enjoy healthy vision. Whether you have cataracts, dry eye, or some other vision issue else entirely, our eye care team is here for you. Call Monroe Family Eyecare today at (845) 783-1224 to learn more about cataracts and to schedule your own in-office appointment where we can provide an evaluation and discuss your risk for cataracts.

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